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Holliston Cable Access Television
the vital source for local access TV providing Holliston news, events, information and entertainment by and for Holliston residents

HCAT maintains a video library of all programs aired on our channels. A DVD may be purchased for a small fee to have a copy of your own. Whether it is to have a keepsake of your child playing sports, a reference for future use such as a quiliting show of interest, or a copy of a program discussing a subject that you wish to have access to in the future.
HCAT provides on demand workshops and training sessions for residents who are interested in learning the best practices and basics of using the audio visual equipment. Best of all, it's FREE. We welcome you to meet with us to discuss your ideas. We will schedule training sessions that are convenient for you and give you the skills needed to produce a program.
All of the programs you see on the Holliston access television channels are produced by volunteers. Many opportunities exist to produce your own program or work with other volunteers on an existing program. Join us, it's FUN!

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