Just Thinking: Warrant for Town Meeting

Select Board Chair Tina Hein and Town Administrator Travis Ahern discuss the warrant for the upcoming town meeting with host Mary Greendale.


1. Article 4 (Capital Budget) https://www.townofholliston.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif706/f/uploads/town_of_holliston_-_5-year_cip_-_fy22-26_-_web_version.pdf

2. Article 10 (Green Street) & Articles 11-13 (infrastructure projects) https://www.townofholliston.us/select-board/pages/2021-project-study-reports-information

For Articles 11-13 - the generic link that will hold multiple Stantec reports (pedestrian access which is currently there, and Water which is coming forthwith) is here: https://www.townofholliston.us/select-board/pages/2021-project-study-reports

Just ThinkingHCATTV